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Headline data

Área geográfica:

Unidad de medida:


Esta tabla proporciona metadatos para el indicador real disponible a partir de las estadísticas de San Diego más cercanas al correspondiente indicador global de SDG. Tenga en cuenta que incluso cuando el indicador global de ODS esté totalmente disponible a partir de las estadísticas de San Diego, se debe consultar esta tabla para obtener información sobre la metodología nacional y otra información de metadatos específicos de San Diego.


Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere


Target 1.2: By 2030, reduce at least by half the proportion of men, women and children of all ages living in poverty in all its dimensions according to national definitions.


Indicator 1.2.1: Proportion of population living below the national poverty line, by sex and age

Definición y conceptos


The national poverty rate is the percentage of the total population living below the national poverty line. The rural poverty rate is the percentage of the rural population living below the national poverty line (or in cases where a separate, rural poverty line is used, the rural poverty line). Urban poverty rate is the percentage of the urban population living below the national poverty line (or in cases where a separate, urban poverty line is used, the urban poverty line).


In assessing poverty in a given country, and how best to reduce poverty according to national definitions, one naturally focuses on a poverty line that is considered appropriate for that country. Poverty lines across countries vary in terms of their purchasing power, and they have a strong economic gradient, such that richer countries tend to adopt higher standards of living in defining poverty. Within a country, the cost of living is typically higher in urban areas than in rural areas. Some countries may have separate urban and rural poverty lines to represent different purchasing powers.

Unidad de medida

The unit of measures is the proportion of the population per census tract.

Proveedores de datos

American Community Survey 5-Year Data (2019)

Datos actualizados por última vez 2022-02-17: see changes on GitHub Se abre en una nueva ventana
Metadatos actualizados por última vez 2022-05-10: see changes on GitHub Se abre en una nueva ventana